• Individual Adult Therapy 

  • Individual Adolescent and Child Therapy 

  • Evaluation and Diagnosis 

  • Parent Sessions



OCD and anxiety often exist with other issues. Lilah has experience treating: 

  • ADHD 

  • Executive dysfunction

  • Depersonalization Derealization Disorder

  • Sleep difficulties

  • Trauma

  • Grief and Loss

  • Depressive symptoms

  • Interpersonal challenges, relationship difficulties, emotional regulation

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has become the “gold standard” for treating OCD and anxiety disorders. CBT makes connections between how your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes affect your feelings and actions. It teaches skills that help people have a greater awareness of thoughts and better manage negative emotions and challenging behaviors. CBT is action oriented, time limited and can be tailored to meet specific needs.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Treatment for OCD

I am extensively trained in Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, which is accepted as the most effective treatment for OCD. It frees people from the cycle of obsession and compulsion. ERP gradually exposes people to obsessive fears in a safe environment and then teaches them to not engage in compulsions. The key to successful ERP is building a trusting relationship in therapy that provides a safe space to address some content that can feel very overwhelming. People often have not shared their obsessions with friends and family before coming into therapy and express a huge sense of relief knowing that they are not alone with their OCD. 

ERP provides lasting tools to manage OCD in the long term, beyond therapy sessions. I have found that Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a true complement to ERP. The concepts and skills in ACT help people identify values and move towards a more fulfilling, balanced life.

What is OCD?

OCD is a mental health disorder that affects an estimated 2-3% of the population. A person with OCD gets caught in cycles of obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive thoughts, urges or images that trigger intensely distressing feelings. Compulsions are behaviors an individual performs to try to decrease distress or get rid of obsessions. Compulsions can be outward behaviors or internal. 

What are obsessions?

Everyone has unwanted thoughts, but for people with OCD those thoughts occur repeatedly and become extremely disturbing. They are time consuming and get in the way of everyday life. Obsessive thoughts are often accompanied by intense feelings of fear, guilt or shame. 

Common obsessions

Obsessions can be about a wide variety of themes. These thoughts do not align with a person’s moral values and create a fear cycle. 

Common obsession themes are:

  • Fear of contamination 

  • Unwanted sexual thoughts: Am I secretly a pedophile?

  • Violent or “harm” thoughts: What if I stab my partner?

  • Relationship related obsessions

  • Symmetry or exactness

  • Feeling that something is “Just Right”

  • Religious scrupulosity and morality

  • Perfectionism

  • Fear of being responsible for something terrible happening: Fire or a car accident, confusion between real and false memory

Common compulsions

  • Washing and cleaning

  • Checking 

  • Repeating

  • Counting

  • Ordering/Arranging

  • Reassurance seeking

  • Mental review

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRB’s) including:

  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

  • Excoriation (skin picking)

I use the ComB Comprehensive Behavioral Model to treat trichotillomania and skin picking. This model goes beyond Habit Reversal Training, taking a more in depth look at triggers, vulnerabilities and the role of thoughts and emotions in treatment. Each case of BFRB’s is unique. Sometimes anxiety, OCD or ADHD are playing a role in continuing hair pulling or skin picking. Often shame develops around these behaviors. I use Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in conjunction with ComB to create lasting progress. Along with reducing or ending behaviors, therapy for BFRB’s helps treat the whole individual to make positive change.

OCD Treatment in Philadelphia

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a normal part of the human experience. At times, anxiety can motivate you to achieve or keep you safe. However, unhealthy levels of anxiety can be overwhelming. It can be triggered by a variety of stressful life events or seemingly come out of nowhere. High anxiety can lead to feeling stuck, extremely stressed and impair functioning across many areas of life including relationships, work and home. Your racing thoughts and sleep disruption may be exhausting. Constant worry may keep you from feeling present in your life. The good news is that there are highly effective therapies for overactive anxiety that can help you re-engage with your life. You do not need to continue suffering with intense anxiety symptoms. 

What type of Anxiety do you treat?

I treat the spectrum of anxiety disorders with current, research based therapy tailored to the individual. Specialized treatments include Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Exposure Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Prolonged Exposure (PE) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Health Anxiety

  • Panic Disorder - Panic Attacks

  • Specific Phobias and Agoraphobia

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Common symptoms of unhealthy anxiety


  • Constant worry and rumination

  • High levels of nervousness

  • Brain fog and difficulty concentrating

  • Sleep difficulties due to racing thoughts


  • Shaking, trembling or excessive sweating

  • Racing heart and accelerated breathing

  • Gastrointestinal issues, dizziness, nausea

  • Tension or not being able to relax


  • Irritability or anger

  • Feeling overwhelmed by emotions

  • Existential questioning 

  • Feeling of dread

plays a sizable role in keeping the cycle of anxiety going. It can cause your world to become smaller. The more you avoid, the more stuck you become. Therapy can help you break this cycle.

Anxiety Avoidance Cycle - Lilah Gosman is a psychotherapist specializing in treating OCD, anxiety disorders, & Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors | Professional Counselor Philadelphia | Anxiety Therapist Philadelphia | Trichotillomania & OCD Treatment

Related symptoms and conditions

Secondary issues are often present with OCD and anxiety and I consider the whole person. Other areas I treat: 

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  • Executive dysfunction

  • Depersonalization Derealization Disorder

  • Trauma

  • Grief and Loss

  • Depressive symptoms

  • Interpersonal challenges, relationship difficulties, emotional regulation


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurological disorder that affects the parts of the brain that help you plan, focus on, and complete tasks. The three subtypes of ADHD are inattentive, hyperactive or combined. ADHD impacts your individual well being, relationships and can affect work and school life. I spend time getting to know your unique situation and how ADHD is getting in the way. 

I use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an effective, evidence-based treatment for children and adults with ADHD.  CBT helps executive functioning difficulties related to ADHD/ADD (e.g., time management, managing distractions), as well as the emotional difficulties related to ADHD (e.g., depression, anxiety).  A typical session for ADHD will focus on identifying the situations in which the client has disorganization, poor time management, poor planning, and the struggles in their day-to-day life. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is used to address interpersonal and emotional regulation challenges that are common with ADHD. Addressing these issues has been known to lead to higher self-esteem, an increase in productivity, and overall happiness in clients with ADHD. 

Symptoms of ADHD in adults

  • Difficulty staying organized

  • Frequent procrastination

  • Ongoing relationship conflict

  • Low frustration tolerance, difficulty with emotional regulation

  • Difficulty focusing attention and easily distracted

  • Impulsivity

  • Mental or physical restlessness

  • Trouble maintaining employment

  • Being overwhelmed by daily tasks

  • Low self esteem

  • Struggles with motivation

Symptoms of ADHD in adolescents and children

Children may have symptoms of both inattentiveness and hyperactivity and impulsiveness, or they may have symptoms of just 1 of these types.

Inattentiveness (difficulty concentrating and focusing)

  • The main signs of inattentiveness are:

  • having a short attention span and being easily distracted

  • making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork

  • appearing forgetful or losing things

  • being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming

  • appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions

  • constantly changing activity or task

  • having difficulty organizing tasks

  • Hyperactivity and impulsiveness

Hyperactivity and impulsiveness are:

  • being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings

  • constantly fidgeting

  • being unable to concentrate on tasks

  • excessive physical movement

  • excessive talking

  • being unable to wait their turn

  • acting without thinking

  • interrupting conversations

  • little or no sense of danger

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